St Vincent's Catholic Primary School


Head Teacher’s Welcome

My name is Tarah O’Brien and I have the privilege of being the head teacher of this very special, 1 form entry, Catholic Primary school here in the centre of Birmingham. We are proud of the richness of diversity within our school. We celebrate the 47 languages spoken by our families such as: Tigrinya, Amharic, French, Arabic, Polish and many more. Every member of our community is valued.

It is my mission to bring the love of Christ to our children and their families and He is at the centre of all we do. Every child here knows they are loved. They learn how to pray and have a deep and meaningful relationship with the Lord. They understand that they are made in the image and likeness of Christ and have talents that must be nurtured and shared so that they can make a difference to the world.

We are blessed to be part of the Parish of St Vincent’s De Paul.  Father Solomon, our priest, is closely involved in the life of the school to ensure our children receive a high-quality Catholic education delivered through a curriculum built on Catholic Social Teachings and rooted in prayer and worship.

It is the responsibility of myself and my dedicated team  to make sure that all children receive the finest possible education; that they experience life to the fullest and have every opportunity to see the awe and wonder of the world so they grow into responsible conscientious members of our global society.

Staff work hard with families to build a relationship of mutual trust and respect. When you join our St Vincent’s family, you are welcomed into a community of kindness and understanding, you are not alone in raising your child – we are one body!  School care deeply for the wellbeing of your family and are here to help in times of need. Before children can begin to learn, they must first feel safe and loved. Safeguarding your child is our priority.

Staff and Governors have the highest expectations of children’s academic achievement and have created a safe, happy, and secure environment so that they can flourish become lifelong learners. We inspire curiosity and a love of learning. We celebrate effort and praise hard work.

We expect outstanding behaviour and encourage children’s growth in the Gospel values and show a Christian respect for all.

 We are all brothers and sisters, children of God working to use our gifts of knowledge, communication and love,  for the good of our world. 

Staff are passionate about improving children’s life chances and believe that through Christ all things are possible.

God Bless

Mrs O’Brien

If you would like to know more about our school family, please contact us and I would be delighted to meet you.