Vision and Values
Our Vision
At St Vincent’s we recognise the dignity of every person. We love and look after each other because we are brothers and sisters. Each person is unique and irreplaceable. Everyone matters.
We value the people in our school, parish and the local community. We live as a family united by the love of Christ, touching the lives of those we meet, showing him to others through our love for one another. Everyone feels that they belong.
We walk together as people of peace, one family, one world. Parents feel appreciated, part of our community, keen to be involved in the life of the school, supporting our aims for learning and behaviour. Staff and parents are able to talk openly, honestly and with respect to each other.
We use our gifts and our voices to serve those who need us most. We support the children care about other people; cherish their diversity and refuse to accept injustice, always striving to use their voice to make a difference in the world.
Everyone’s work is valued. We are attentive to each other and compassionate towards our brothers and sisters. The children have many opportunities for choice. We recognise their unique qualities, praising and encouraging them to reach out for greatness.
We are stewards of God’s creation, delighting in and caring for our beautiful world. We take responsibility for our actions. The children learn never to give up. They are intentional in their efforts to protect the earth and overcome the challenges of living in the modern world.
We help each other to make the right choices, sharing and giving, knowing God wants everyone to be happy. We foster resilience, supporting each other to cope with any negative experience life may impose. We nurture our children’s abilities, their curiosity and thirst for learning. They leave us with good memories, with a strong sense of who they are, ready to use their gifts for the good our world.
Our Values
We find Jesus in everyone
We believe in ourselves and act humbly with others
We can be trusted and we keep our promises
We are patient and gentle with each other
We work for what is good
We are compassionate to those who are suffering
We are generous with our time and love
We show Jesus to each other in all we do
Inclusion and Equality
At St Vincent’s we celebrate diversity and the right for each person to be respected and valued equally. Children of all faiths are encouraged to share their beliefs. We are committed to tackling social and economic disadvantage. We recognise that factors such as gender, ethnicity, first language, disability, special educational needs and sexual orientation may all affect whether children fulfil their academic potential. We take a strong stand against all discrimination and bullying , including racism, sexism and homophobic bullying. We work to provide every opportunity to overcome barriers to learning.