St Vincent's Catholic Primary School


School Uniform

We expect all children to attend school clean, tidy and well presented in the correct uniform. All items should be clearly named. All children should have:

  • Grey school trousers or grey skirt or grey pinafore dress
  • White shirt
  • Green jumper or cardigan or school sweatshirt
  • Plain white, grey or black socks or tights
  • Black school shoes or plain black trainers
  • Book bag (provided by school on entry)
  • School prayer book (provided in Year 3)
  • Pupil planner

Please note:

  • Boots and high heels are not appropriate for school and should not be worn
  • Children must not bring rucksacks to school
  • Extreme hair styles including any shaved patterns and dyed hair are not allowed
  • The only jewellery allowed is a watch and one pair of plain studs which must be removed for PE.

PE Kit

  • Black PE shorts
  • Green T-shirt
  • Pumps
  • Swimming kit and towel
  • PE bag (drawstring only)

Sweatshirts and PE kits are available to buy
